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Trusted lecturer at the WiSo Faculty

In cases of discrimination, violence, bullying

The trusted lecturer are responsible for discrimination in all applicable areas, such as discrimination based on skin colour, ethnic origin, religion, gender, age and sexual orientation.

They can initially be contacted by e-mail or post. They then decide whether a procedure is necessary and whether they are competent in the case. Subsequently, a separate hearing of the parties takes place combined with the search for an amicable solution. If this is not successful, the matter is referred to higher university authorities.

All messages or enquiries are treated with absolute confidentiality! After an initial contact by e-mail, a personal meeting can be arranged. Confidentiality remains assured as long as it is desired and possible.

Trusted lecturer for Bachelor & Master's students

Prof. Dr. Pia Pinger

Postal address:
University of Cologne 
Department of Economics, SSC
Universitätsstraße 22
50937 Cologne, Germany


Prof. Dr. André Kaiser

Please contact by post:

Prof. Dr. André Kaiser
Cologne Center for Comparative Politics: CCCP
Postfach 411020
50870 Cologne, Germany

In addition to the trusted lecturer at the faculty, there are other representatives and lecturers of trust at the central level of the University of Cologne who can be contacted independently of the faculty and who are responsible for coordinating the activities of the contact persons of individual faculties as well as for overarching issues. Here you can find an overview:
Information about the (counselling) services and activities of the UoC in the field of action Critique of Racism can also be found here at the Gender Equality & Diversity Department.

Ombudsperson at WiSo for doctoral students & postdocs

Support in case of problems and conflicts

During a doctoral project and in research projects, disagreements and conflicts may arise between you and your supervisors or supervisees. In cases of conflict, you can contact the ombudsperson of the WiSo Faculty at any time. He or she is also your first point of contact in cases of violation of good scientific practice and scientific integrity. The ombudsperson supports you by means of solution-orientated conflict mediation.

As a matter of principle, the ombudsperson treats all enquiries neutrally, fairly and in strict confidence.

Dr. Johannes Antweiler (Kopie 1)

Contact Information

AD Dr Johannes Antweiler

Phone:  +49-221-470-3898

Email:  antweiler(at)

In addition to the ombudsperson of the WiSo Faculty, you can also contact the ombudspersons of the other faculties, as well as the general ombudsperson for young academics at the University of Cologne.

Contact options and further information on help and support in case of problems and conflicts with your supervisors or superiors, violation of good scientific practice and scientific integrity, discrimination and mobbing or personal matters can be found on the website of the Albertus Magnus Center for Early Career Researchers.